Wakorumba Subdistrict In Figure 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Utara Regency

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Wakorumba Subdistrict In Figure 2011

Catalog Number : 1102001.741
Publication Number : -
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : January 25, 2012
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Subdistrict Wakorumba In Figures 2011 is an annual publication published periodically by the Central Bureau of Statistics North Buton. This publication is intended to provide an overview of the development of the District in general Kulisusu which includes state geography, government, population and labor, social, agriculture, industry and trade, transport and communication, finance and pricing, regional income and some data supplement. The data presented in this publication is not much different from the publication of the previous year and have always endeavored continuity of data. By presenting a good few years tramstop data collected directly (primary data) and data quoted from administration Institution / Agency / Organization Government or private (secondary data).
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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